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Home > Later life
6 min read
Clients funding their later lifestyle? It’s simple with the Suffolk
5 min read
Self employed: it’s all in the criteria
2 min read
Clients looking at equity release? There are other options for releasing capital
1 min read
Changes to residential and later life borrowing
Reduced rates on expat, buy to let and later life products
How a 40-year term mortgage may be able to help your client
3 min read
5 reasons to fix for five years
Capital raising to buy an additional property
Case spotlight: self employed older borrowers
Product changes: five year fixed deals for later life, BTL and expat BTL
Case spotlight: sale and downsize
Lending criteria explained: later life lending
Case spotlight: what we're lending on
Take five: later life lending
Later Life Range – New 5 Year Discount Rate
Remortgaging in later life
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